Middle School

Year 7 Transition Program


McClelland has emulated the primary school model in many ways and one of the most powerful aspects of learning effectively in Year 7 is building positive relationships with teachers and having a place to belong.


Our open Learning Centre (MAX) is where the students spend half of their day with a common group of teachers. We know how important it is to spend time with students and understand them as people.
We teach the students about the college. We build fun activities to teach the students how to move around, how to read the time table, who to go to if you have questions.


The students participate in a week long activities week where the focus is on having fun and getting to know each other.


Once the students have settled down and got to know the school and their teachers we run extensive testing to understand exactly where the students are in terms of their abilities in literacy and numeracy.

This data helps inform the planning for the students and how they should be grouped and what level all of our teachers need to set reading material as literacy is the gateway to all learning.

At McClelland all teachers must address literacy needs of their cohorts and are highly skilled at differentiating learning to ensure students are challenged. This is why we do not have many text books at McClelland as this assumes the majority of students are at the same level when in fact we have data to suggest many of our students are well above and as high as year 10.